if you easily get irritated, loose your focus or can not even read a 2 minutes article. it’s not you! the content industry is designed for brains we no-longer have!

Content has remained static since the beginning of written language. All content is a byproduct of an individual’s unique cognitive processing, but can never fully capture the essence of that process. The quality of content depends on how accurately it creates the same internal perception in the audience as it did in the creator. Great creators excel at finding efficient forms that deliver accurate perceptions to a wide audience.

Great creators find the optimum of accuracy and reach

Neocore Concept Illustration

Static content loses quality for most people because it’s not tailored to each individual. The solution is capturing the essence of the cognitive process and delivering it in a personalized way to maximize the accuracy of the triggered perception compared to the original at the moment of creation.

GenAI enables millions of personalized content versions

GenAI makes it feasible to generate millions of versions of an idea, each reflecting the same core. Neocore will focus on neuropersonalized content delivery, altering content in real-time based on cognitive feedback to maximize learning, retention, joy or relaxation for each individual. This allows the same article to have different optimized versions for different readers, enabling the most efficient shared understanding and experience.

Real-time cognitive feedback from the user, enabled by our Brain computer interface technology, is crucial for this personalized content alteration.

Neocore: the perfect enabler for both sides

Neocore aims to enable individuals to be their own perfect creators, delivering the best possible versions of their ideas, making sure it closely match their original internal experience.

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